Unforgettable characters and concepts await your articulation…

A success!

Oh, my goodness. I presented to an audience of Christian women the myths of forgiveness and what it really is and is not biblically. Take a listen to interviews I did for two online radio programs, “Doin’ The Do” and “The Enterprise.”

That’s a mouthful surely.  Delivered by the grace of God, I tell you. It was not easy to condense that topic in an hour. Much preparation, prayer and divine intervention helped me pull it off. I have to be honest, hopefully it will help someone out there; someone who’s struggling with their words and hoping against all hopes of getting it done – and getting it right – for an audience.  It is likely you will be a rousing success because of preparation and faith. Relying solely on your fortitude is a recipe for letdown.

The feedback I received was phenomenal. Days later, after taking time to consider what the participants said, I believe I know what to aim for in preparing for future presentations. The women’s responses, which had come completely unsolicited, assured me that I had:

  • Inspired and challenged them
  • Informed them in a concise, clear cut way
  • Imparted them with sound biblical reasoning
  • Impacted them with a renewed vigor in their Christian walk, and
  • Invited them to not only observe but participate with me as I spoke on the subject

I look forward to my next public speaking engagement, from the prepping step to the finale, it’s a journey I commit to sharing.

However, for now, my keyboard is calling…. there’s a screenplay with my name on it asking for further attention.

Ahh the rewrite, my favorite part!

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